Sunday marks the beginning of fall and the weekend weather will finally feel like September! Drew Farm is ready for you and your family to get out and enjoy the new season with a wonderful apple picking experience. This weekend we add to the offerings everyone’s favorite - Macoun - apples to the list of McIntosh, Cortland, and Golden Delicious. Our pumpkin patch is clean and safe, and a great place for precious family photos. The fire will be blazing so that you can roast your own s’mores and enjoy a picnic in our beautiful picnic area to the sounds of LukiesFortune. Megan will also be offering pony rides in the orchard! We will also be offering free tractor rides to and from the orchard. There are plenty of apples down low for the kids to pick.
Our retail area is stocked full of packed apples: Macoun, McIntosh, Cortland, Honey Crisp, Gala. We also have a fresh stock of mums, pumpkins, fresh apple cider donuts, cider and Drew Farm root beer. Come out this weekend to celebrate the fall season and enjoy a traditional New England apple picking experience. Our orchard is on a hill and the views are spectacular!